Everything You Need to Know About the IPL Venus Versa Treatment

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Minimally invasive cosmetic procedures are up by a whopping 200% over the last eight years. Data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals that Americans are opting for more innovative ways to rebuild their facial skin and shape their bodies. At Spa Rockaway, a massage spa near Queens, we understand the need to keep up with and implement the latest cosmetic technology and have added the full suite of Venus Versus treatments at our spa.

The Truth About Aging

The aging process is a natural one – with time, your skin cells stop producing elastin and collagen – two factors responsible for the loss of the youthful fullness of your facial skin as a teen. There are many things that cause your skin to age prematurely. While influences like sun exposure and lifestyle choices can cause premature aging it’s not always final thanks to many advances in cosmetic technology.

If you have been noticing small brown spots, irregular pigmentation, sun spots, spider veins, enlarged pores, fine lines, and wrinkles on your skin, you should know that these are all signs of premature aging. The good news is that the appearance of all of these elements can be treated and visibly reduced. The answer to your problems is a photofacial. IPL photofacials or photo-rejuvenations have become a popular non-invasive cosmetic procedure. Before you sign up for it, here is everything you need to know about photofacials and the best option out there.

What Is An IPL Photofacial?

A photofacial is a procedure that involves the use of IPL or intense pulsed light to penetrate into the layers of your skin. The bursts of light cause blood vessels and collagen located below the epidermis to tighten, resulting in reduction of redness, spots, spider veins, and age lines. The natural processes of the body flushes out the affected tissue, causes skin cell renewal, and leading to skin that looks firmer and more youthful.

IPL photofacials are recommended for those who want to reverse the signs of skin damage. From acne scars, freckles, and dark spots, to skin conditions like rosacea, your skincare woes can be solved with the power of light.

What Are The Devices Used For Photofacials?

Specific devices designed to emit intense pulsed light (IPL) are used for photofacials. Some spas use LED devices to do a facial treatment and pass it off as a photofacial but LED lights emit light at lower frequencies and intensity.

For advanced treatments like photofacials, estheticians in Rockaway Park trust devices that offer full control over pulses, duration of each pulse, cut off filters, and joules of energy used, as this gives them precision control so they can get the best results for patients.

Venus VersaTM is a medical cosmetic device that can be used to target a host of aesthetic problems including anti-aging, body contouring, skin resurfacing, photofacials, hair removal, and acne reduction, to name a few. In fact, this single effective device delivers nine treatments to specifically address skincare issues.

How Does The IPL Venus VersaTM Work?

Powered by Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) with SmartPulse™ technology, this multifaceted Venus device delivers intense pulses of light through several layers of the skin with complete precision. The targeted tissue absorbs the heat generated by these pulses which serves to correct the skin flaws being targeted. The surrounding tissues face no damage at all.

In comparison to other devices, the IPL Venus VersaTM is designed with your comfort and convenience in mind. The applicator comes equipped with a built-in cooling feature so as to make the entire treatment as comfortable as possible for you. If you still feel any kind of discomfort while treating sensitive areas like the upper lip, the device settings can be adjusted and personalized for your comfort.

How Many Sessions Do You Need?

The beauty of the IPL Venus VersaTM treatment is that people generally notice visible effects after the first couple sessions. Most clients need 4-5 sessions to completely treat a specific area. The exact number of treatments will depend on your skin and the problems in the area that is being treated. Treatments are done three weeks apart. But with each sitting lasting about 15-20 minutes with zero downtime, you are unlikely to be inconvenienced. Not only can you return to your daily schedule immediately after the session, you can also put on your makeup right after the treatment. All you need to ensure is that you wear sunscreen before you apply any makeup product.

During the procedure, you’ll wear protective glasses so you are not negatively affected by the bright pulses of light. You will experience a warm feeling where the device is targeted. Some clients compare the sensation to a light snap or flick on the surface of the target area. You may experience some redness for an hour or so after your first session. With each successive treatment, the effects of IPL Venus VersaTM become more pronounced and visible.

Benefits Of IPL Venus VersaTM Treatments

IPL Venus VersaTM is a powerful skin treatment that is highly effective when it comes to using the power of light to reverse the detrimental visible effects of sun damage and the aging process. While UV rays of the sun cause damage even with limited exposure to sunlight, IPL treatments use infrared light rays that are completely safe for your skin. The result is that the color, condition, and texture of your skin gets the much-needed boost you crave.

IPL Venus VersaTM treatments are non-invasive and non-surgical.

  • Each treatment session can be completed from start to finish in under 20 minutes.

  • Minor discolorations and pigmentation issues are likely to disappear in one or two sessions.

  • With no recovery time or downtime needed, you can get back to your normal life immediately after.

  • Thanks to the built-in cooling system of the IPL Venus VersaTM, the entire process is made as comfortable as possible.

  • Not only are these treatments safe and effective, they also work on all skin types.

IPL Venus VersaTM   At Spa Rockaway Advantage

Owned and operated by New York state licensed esthetician, Pat Rorke, Spa Rockaway is your holistic oasis away from the hustle and bustle of the world. Certified in Reiki, Gua Sha, Face Yoga, and Facial Reflexology, Rorke incorporates the wisdom of these age-old healing techniques into the facials at Spa Rockaway. Her Skin Fitness Program is designed to boost the natural glow of your facial skin from deep within by harnessing the benefits of facial exercises, effective all-natural skincare ingredients, and non-invasive treatment options.

At Spa Rockaway, ancient Chinese medicine techniques are practiced right alongside treatment procedures using state-of-the-art technology such as the Venus Concept machines. Advanced facial treatments such as the Venus Versa Skin Tightening procedure involves the use of multi-polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed EMFs to tighten the skin on the targeted areas. The Venus Viva skin treatment offers the effective skin resurfacing results without as much pain and downtime.

Every esthetician at Spa Rockaway is well-versed with using all the Venus concept devices. In their hands, the Venus Photofacial IPL treatment delivers results quickly and efficiently. Using the latest technological advances in skincare treatment, Pat Rorke and her expert staff focus on getting you the results you desire while ensuring that your spa experience is relaxing, rejuvenating, and full of good energy.

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