Why Back Facials Are Important

Back facials (sometimes called "Bacials") are similar to regular facials in regards to the treatment procedure.  Like a facial, we treat your back according to your skin's condition and what you hope to achieve from your appointment.

 The only difference is that we're treating a larger area, and because the skin on the back is thicker than our faces, we sometimes may need to use a slightly more "aggressive" treatment method.   

Unfortunately, the back is often neglected and if attention is not given to this area it can give rise to acne, clogged pores, and discoloration.  (This is not exclusive to the face.)  Clothing can also play a role with back issues.  Depending on the material or fabric worm, heat and moisture can become trapped-- causing irritation and breakouts.  This can be uncomfortable, not to mention unsightly.  Using effective products and treatments will help keep your back smooth, clean, and free of blemishes. 

Here is what to expect when booking a Back Facial at Spa Rockaway:

We start by gently cleansing and steaming your back.  The steam softens the skin, opens pores, and removes excess dirt and/or oil.  Afterwards, we exfoliate with an enzyme to exfoliate dead skin cells.  Microdermabrasion is an option if scarring or discoloration is a concern.  The skin is then toned to restore its natural pH balance.  As with a facial, extractions are done if needed.  Afterwards, a back massage is done that helps to relieve some stress and tensions.  For an acne client, pressure points are done instead, so as to not over-stimulate the skin.

Next, the appropriate mask is applied for 10-15 minutes.  I like to use a clay mask when acne is present because it really pulls out impurities and tightens the pores.  For dry to normal skin however, I'll use a soothing mask to help put hydration back into the skin.  After removing the mask, we apply a serum and a moisturizer for nourishment.  I use the word "nourishment," because it's important to feed the skin.

Once this service is complete, you will feel how the products you use work much more efficiently.

I recommend this treatment because the back is too often overlooked.  When we speak of taking care of the skin, the image we conjure in our minds is usually of our faces.  But the back is important too!  For women in particular, a Back Facial is also good to do this time of the year-- the Holiday season-- because of the many events and parties taking place.

Lots of Love,

Marcia Wilson, Licensed Esthetician

Marcia Wilson has been a Licensed Esthetician for over 10 years.  She studied at The Aveda Institute New York and completed her Graduate work at The Dermal Institute of New York, focusing on Skin and Body therapies.  She is also ITEC certified, allowing her to work as an esthetician anywhere in the world.  Marcia brings this wealth of knowledge to her clients, and believes in educating them-- not only in regards to caring for their skin but the importance of nutritional as well.

Marcia is available for bookings at Spa Rockaway on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.  Click here to book your next appointment with Marcia!

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